Of Scribes and Tribes: Globalization and its Discontents
Professor Bernard Yack
Location: Jackman Humanities Building, room 100, 170 St. George Street
Bernard Yack is the Lerman-Neubauer Professor of Democracy and Public Policy at Brandeis University. He received his BA from the University of Toronto in 1975 and his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1981. He is the author, most recently, of Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community which appeared in 2012. Other books of his include The Longing for Total Revolution (1986), The Problems of a Political Animal (1993), and The Fetishism of Modernities (1997), as well as an edited collection on the work of Judith Shklar entitled Liberalism without Illusions (1996). He is currently working on two books: The Faces of Moral Pluralism, a study of moral pluralism in literature, and The People’s Power, an exploration of democratic theorists’ discomfort with political power, even when exercised by ordinary people or large majorities.